November 4, 2005

Finnish melodic deathsters ENTER MY SILENCE have signed a deal with JMT Music. The group's already-recorded sophomore album is tentatively scheduled to be released in early 2006. ENTER MY SILENCE's debut CD, "Remotecontrolled Scythe", was released in 2001 through Mighty Music, but their cooperation ended just days before the band entered the studio to begin recording the upcoming effort.

Guitarist and main songwriter Tuomas Jäppinen commented: "We're really happy [to have landed a new record deal], of course. We finished recording back in February and have worked since then to get a satisfying deal. Even though JMT Music is a brand new label, the people behind it have decades' worth of experience and a good network of partners around the world. I also believe that with some heart in what you do, you can double your resources. That's actually one of the biggest reasons we went with JMT — the attitude and enthusiasm they showed. “

For more information, visit www.entermysilence.com.

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